
6 Things I've Done to Simplify This Blog

In the past 24 hours, I’ve made some important changes to my blog that I would like to explain and share with you.

- Comments are back.  The reason I disabled comments originally was a decision I made to mimic Leo Babauta, the creator of Zen Habits who has been widely successful and inspiration to me.  That in mind, I have had zero negative experiences with commenting myself, and so I want to take a step back and allow others to share their thoughts and personal stories.  I welcome all feedback and criticism.

- I have uncopyrighted the content I post on this blog.  That means you are free to share it as you wish without my permission.  We live in an era of open information, and it seems that the protectionist reaction to guard it has only served to create new and unprecedented problems.  I appreciate everyone who shares my work, and respect those willing to attribute it to me, but it is entirely up to you.

- I have removed visible labels, and moved the “share” buttons to the bottom of blog posts.  I was looking at my blog last night and it seemed abnormally crowded.  I didn’t like the way all of that information was shoved under my headlines, and so I opted to remove it.  My intention was originally to remove the share buttons altogether, but I found these to be the easiest, more convenient means of sharing my work with others.  I am grateful to anyone who decides my content is worthy of sharing.

- Updated my feed.  Until now, the subscriptions portion of the site has been oft-neglected.  There were a lot of links and other information I didn’t fully understand involved, so I pushed it aside to be dealt with later.  Last night was later.  All you have to do is enter your email address, and, thanks to another new feature I’ve implemented called SmartFeed, my posts should be readily available and easily readable on any number of devices.  If you’re a fan of my work, I encourage you to subscribe.

- Added a new “reading” tab.  This page has been added to be more open about what I’m doing off-blog, and simply as a way to share the books I like, have read, and am planning to read.  If you have any book recommendations, I’d love to hear them on Twitter @runnersravings.

- Removed my blog description.  It was clutter, and I didn’t like it.  I do plan to provide a way for readers to fully understand the content of this blog, and should have that ready to go in the near future.

Love them or hate them, these are the changes I’ve made.  Whether or not I will see any changes as a result, I’m not sure, but I am pleased with the direction I’ve taken and am always looking for new ways to simplify the viewing experience.  Here’s to simplicity.

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